By sleeping. Of course, that's how I deal with most things, but the screened porch is especially nice for a nap when it's hot. You can't see it in this picture but there's a ceiling fan right above me to keep the air moving. And I love this pillow cover that my mom got at the flea market. She says it's not bark cloth but I wouldn't know anything about that. Bark makes me think of dogs and I'm not so fond of dogs.
I didn't know blogging was so much work. Yawn. Time to go back to sleep...
~ Amaya
Thank you for sharing your heat-survival techniques. I shall emulate your approach and curl up, too (well, rather more awkwardly) for a bit of a siesta. I should listen to cats more often.
You are one cool kitty.
JZ in VA
HAHA! That is so cute! My cat does the same thing...sleep.
I'm with ya, kitty...too 'hawt' to move...bet ya wished you didn't have to wear the fur coat either. :)
I accidentally found your blog. I like your embroidery instructions. I wrote a little post on my blog linking to you and also to your etsy shop.
I wish I could say you would get lots of hits, but I doubt anyone reads my blog. I don't update often enough.
Good luck anyhow.
Amaya you are beautiful!
Oh, Amaya kitty,
You have one stylish lounging spot.
Enjoy your nap!
Kimberly :)
How sweet!
Felines always know best!
I was sent a link to your blog to learn about embroidery as apart from putting buttons back onto shirts I'm clueless when it comes to sewing and embroidery. I'm going to get some floss and needles and give it a go with the help of your tutorials. thank you!
Oh! to be a cat! Mine are lounging here with me now. Sleep the day away and run around all night. :)
Confessions of an Apron Queen
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