One thing I've learned is that I can always sell pillows with animals on them, especially cats and dogs. Three kittens sailing in a tea cup with a spoon for an oar—no problem!
This towel uses the Colortex process where the lines to be embroidered are printed in color instead of black (or blue). The idea was that you knew which colors to use for embroidering each section. I find them too limited and like to do my own thing when it comes to color. I really don't have time to complete this right now so I'll be setting it aside for a while. It's sure going to make a cute pillow though!
Aw, Janet. That is just too cute. You make the most unique finds. I am soooo jealous.
Embroidering outside of the lines, I'd say. I posted a photo of my spring bed. Front and center is my/your heart pillow, scenting my pillows for a sweet night's sleep. Many thanks.
Very cute. I loved your naughty kitten pillow a while back and was sad it was gone before I jumped on it.
Anna S.
The naughty kitty pillow went to a shop I consign with and it sold around the holidays. Who knows, maybe I'll come across another embroidery in my travels? Naughty kitties are a pretty common motif because, let's face it, kitties are always getting into some sort of trouble. I know mine are :)
cuuuute!! I will definitely keep my eye out for when you get it finished!
I just love this design! The spoon oar is delightful. Isn't real linen wonderful?
SOOOOOO Sweet! I totally agree you can't have too many cats!
My kitty Tati looked like the naughty kitty pillow with her crazy eyes. An artist friend gave me a drawing of a kitty knocking over a vase and it could have been a true-to-life portrait of Tati.
Let me know if you come across another naughty kitty.
My Stichin' Kitty pillow arrived yesterday! It is so cute! I agree, you can't have too many cats.
Hi Janet.....I am in love with this kitten pillow.......Dianne
P.S. I am new to the blog world.....your blog is wonderful!
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