

In the five years I've been blogging I've noticed something. It's a tendency, when you find someone with similar interests, to identify with that writer and to believe that you have more in common than your love of crafts. Maybe you think they share the same religious beliefs, or political ones, or whatever. You only know about people what they choose to reveal so maybe that's true. But more likely, it isn't.

Ninety-nine percent of the time I talk about crafts but once in a while something related to my political beliefs slips out. And invariably there's an anonymous commenter who calls me out about it. And decides to stop reading or delete me from their blog roll. Fine. The blog world is huge and it's probably better that they go elsewhere to find like-minded friends who believe what they do. The delete function is a wonderful tool.

I use it myself all the time. When I read a blog that talks too much about whatever I don't identify with, I'm gone. Not because I don't like the person who wrote it but because I want to read about things that interest me personally. And that applies to all the types of blogs I read, not just craft-related ones.

So, if it offends you that I identify as a progressive/liberal (no, that doesn't mean I support everything that our president is doing), as a feminist (equal pay, equal opportunity), as non-religious (religion is personal and I was brought up believing that it's crass to talk about it in public), as not having children (really none of your business), or anything else, please hit that delete key.

To the person who wrote recently, referring to me as "one of those people" and assuming they knew what I was referring to and thereby proving my point perfectly, you'll probably be happier elsewhere. As for healthcare reform (which was not my thought, but thanks for bringing it up), I think a society can be judged by how they treat their citizens—all of them—not just the ones who look, act, or think like us. And no, I didn't get what I wanted—far from it.

I'm the kind of person who filters everything I say through my head anyway. Some people would say that's a good thing but it takes a lot of effort. And I get very tired of doing it. If I have to chose every word I write carefully so as not to offend then I might as well give up now. As I wrote to one of those anonymous commenters last year, it's my blog and I'll say what I want in it. I will try to keep politics out of it—I already do—but I can't promise I'll always say just what you find acceptable or comfortable.

Now, I have a busy week ahead. First I'm off to the post office to ship a button order to Norway (that's a first) and then into the studio for tons of sewing. I've been designing a super-cute new product (I'll show you soon) and finishing up a new batch of tea towels and mini wallets. Craft show season is coming!


Three Birds Inspired said...

GREAT post!

{kimmymade} said...

Kudos to you, Janet. For all of it, but esecially this: "I think a society can be judged by how they treat their citizens—all of them—not just the ones who look, act, or think like us."

jenny allsorts said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad we live in a country that allows us to express ourselves. If we couldn't speak our piece, how awful that would be.
You go girl! I support your right to feel and say what's on your mind.

Wendy said...

I very much agree (especially about being liberal and not getting what I want out this health care reform... public option anyone?).

I do think it's a good idea to connect with people who are different than ourselves. I can read the blogs of Christians if they're just telling how it applies to them, not trying to put it on me.

I have a good internet friend who is trying to lose weight with the help of the bible. I, myself, am losing weight with the help of the Goddess. Really I'm more of a Buddhist, but I like to joke with her about my pagan ways.

carrie s. said...

Oh yes. And thank you!

Annie said...

Janet...I have been a reader of you for a few years now and love your blog!...But.... my goodness sakes I'm wondering, with all of the wonderful creativity and knowledge you share with us,why "those people" :D would choose not to comment on that!...Today's post was well said but sad that it even needed to be brought up....Thank you for being you and all that you give!...Blessings...Annie

Buttonchief7 said...

Our country is great because we can have differences in politics. And I truly do reap much from your tutorials on stitching. But when things are crammed down our throat as being best for us when we are too stupid to know better then it's time for the silent majority to speak up. Moral people have been quiet for too long and now right is wrong and wrong is right. Nuff said. Peg

Rachel said...


We should remember that in any form of democracy, the guiding principle is "I may not agree with you, but I defend your right to your opinion".

Anonymous said...

Well stated! This world wouldn't be interesting if we didn't have the freedom of our opinions. Plus this is YOUR blog and you should never have to tolerate any negative comments on it.

Gina said...

It'd be a terribly boring world if we all just stuck to interacting with those who held the same views.

Personally, I often enjoy reading different perspectives, and assume that many of my readers will not agree with my religious/social perspectives. I totally understand if someone chooses not to read my blog because of it (and I too have unsubscribed from blogs if after a while I realise I'm always skipping over the posts) but personally I like it when someone chooses to interact or share THEIR perspective.

What I dislike is the use of anonymous comments to slag off at a blog writer. For goodness' sake, balls up and at least admit who you are if you're going to throw your hat into the ring!

Great post Janet.

janet said...

And I truly do reap much from your tutorials on stitching. But when things are crammed down our throat as being best for us when we are too stupid to know better then it's time for the silent majority to speak up. Moral people have been quiet for too long and now right is wrong and wrong is right. Nuff said.

Actually I'm not sure that's enough said. You seem to be implying that I've crammed something down your throat and that I'm not moral. Care to elaborate on that?

Brenda said...

I agree! Good for you for voicing your opinion. B=)

Robbie said...

Personally, if I don't like what's playing on the station or showing on my TV, I change the channel. So, why people think they have some kind of ownership to tell people what they can or can not write about is ridiculous to me. Even as a business owner, you can decide how you market yourself and people can decide whether they want to patronize (somehow doesn't seem like the right word) you. I think they feel the need to inform you because in some way they hope to control you. Why can't they just go quietly?

I like vanilla ice cream but I don't want to live in a vanilla world. Kudos to you for sticking up for your space in this world.

And, on a side note, I like you even more now that you revealed all that you have but had you wrote differently, I still would appreciate the work that you do. I LOVE the pillow that I bought from you and I love even more that it's not some shoddy mass produced piece of crap.

Buttonchief7 said...

No offense meant to you personally. The stitching comment was just for you. The rest concerned our current government over health care, abortion, defining marriage, etc. peg

Unknown said...

Hey - I love your blog and I'm probably the exact opposite of a lot of your beliefs but it doesn't matter to me one bit. Great post. (And it's also what I love about this country - that we can have all kinds of beliefs and still get along.)

Cathy said...

Touche! Love your blog and would love it even if I didn't agree with your opinions. I read many blogs from people who espouse much different beliefs than me. It's their right to write it and my right to ignore the content I don't like and skip to what I do. Too much red vs blue, us vs them, etc. We're all one community. Thanks for the post! Hugs, Cathy

Meaghan said...

I was DELIGHTED when you posted regarding your liberal feminist political leanings. It fleshed you out as a person, and I feel like many of the wonderful crafty blogs I read also have a very politically conservative slant, which no one tries to hide. Your "lefty" politics were a breath of fresh air. Thank you!

Quilts and Cats said...

Right on! I couldn't agree more and you said it quite eloquently. Lynne

SuzyMcQ said...

DiTtO on the previous BRAVO! When people say, "Oh, she speaks her mind." I say, "At least she has one!"

Kate said...

Great post Janet.

I hadn't even thought about what your politics are, but I know there are so bloggers who are much more in your face about it.