A morning glory from my garden—what a color!
I really didn't mean to be away for so long, but I got caught up in the presidential conventions and the train wreck that followed.
And I've been busy with projects around the house, including making tomato sauce from the onslaught of ripe tomatoes in the garden; picking, shelling, and freezing lima beans (or butter beans as my friend from Georgia calls them); and painting furniture - black for the dining room chairs and table legs and hibiscus (a screaming hot pink) for a guest bedroom chair. I'm also stripping paint (a really ugly mustard yellow) from the three-paneled mirror I bought a couple of years ago. Cool to discover that, when I took the glass out, 1942 is stamped on the back! Oh, and I made two dozen sachets for a wholesale order and I'm sewing curtains for the bedroom. I know, whew!
I hope to finish up most of these projects this week. Then I'll take some pictures of my new embroidery/sewing project - a baby quilt for my friend Jenny who is pregnant with her first. It's a boy and she's got an unusual color scheme going on so choosing fabrics has been a challenge. But I think we've got it now. Still waiting for some backordered fabric to arrive then I'll know for sure. I'm using some vintage stamped quilt blocks with wild animals and most have lots of brown in them. That should help keep it more "boy".
Pictures of work in progress next time!
I have to laugh... I got a little caught up in it all too and now I'm just a tad behind. Let's not even mention the Olympics. I've watched more TV in the last month than I have in the last year. Boy does it suck up your time... I'm glad you're back. I've always enjoyed your blog!
Whew, you HAVE been busy! The morning glory is, well, glorious. I wish mine had taken off this year, but I planted too late. I was caught up on convention fever, too, but by last week it had turned to "convention convulsions" -- I'm starting to get more worried than I ever thought I'd be at this point. I'm inclined to come volunteer in PA soon.
I worry a lot about PA, too, and I live here! Philly and Pittsburgh usually go democratic and so does my county (Lackawanna), although that's not for sure. Biden is from Scranton so there's the hometown-boy thing but there's also an underlying racism here. It's just too hard to tell at this point.
How inspiring your blog is! I, too, am from PA (near Pittsburgh) and an artist. Blogs such as yours give me the itches to head to JoAnn's for fabric and turn on that sewing machine that my husband reminds me that "I just had to have." I tend to work more with acrylics and pencils, but am very inspired to try something new. Thanks!
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