
Stitch School: Guilloche

Stitch School has moved to it's very own space on the web! You'll now find the Guilloche Stitch post here. Comments are now closed on this post; if you'd like to leave a comment please do so on the new one.


Sweetness and Light said...

I just LOVE your blog, my dd (11) is going to go NUTS when I show her this!! What a beautiful and fun stitch(es)!! Thank you so much for your stitch school, it is so appreciated! Blessings!

Stephanie said...

That is so cool. I read your blog everytime you update it. Fun Fun!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this great stitch crash course--this is a great series of stitches! :o)

crimsoncat05 said...

this stitch is beautiful! (you give great tutorials, too... makes me want to break out my fabric and thread!)

Anonymous said...

I'm learning a great deal from you, no one has a better blog about this out there. Thank you.

Patty said...

Yet another new stitch to me and this one looks very cool. Thank you!

Drewzel said...

This is great! thanks!!